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Cape Cod

Cape Cod

  • 30ml vodka
  • 15ml lime juice
  • Bottle of 250ml CAPI Cranberry Soda
  • 1 half lime wheel
  • 1 mint sprig
  1. Pour out 30ml from a CAPI Cranberry Soda Bottle into a glass and enjoy a quick sip.
  2. Add 30ml of your favourite vodka and 15ml lime juice to the CAPI bottle.
  3. Garnish with a half lime wheel and mint sprig.
Cranberry Soda

Cranberry Soda

Clean and sparkling with a tart, true cranberry finish – our Cranberry soda is the first of it’s kind. It’s a mature, carbonated remodel pf the classic drink and it tastes as natural as it is. Naturally flavoured, no added colours. No wonder it’s such a crowd pleaser.